Volume Discount Structure
First, we have our initial price break for bulk hook and loop orders at 300 yards. At this point we offer a 10% discount on all of our products. This discount applies to any purchaser, but is often reached by small to medium sized businesses and for large end user projects.
Next, we discount even more at 500 yards of wholesale hook and loop. Here we offer a 20% discount on all of our products. This is usually for businesses that repeatedly use the same hook and loop products in their production or larger businesses that are implementing new product designs.
At 1,000 yards, we offer our final price break of 25% on all of our products. This tier is usually reached by large businesses and for products that are used in large quantities for several projects.
Special Pricing
Beyond that, any special pricing is determined on a case by case basis by our management. We do work out special prices for some customers who order 20,000+ yards of material annually. We also occasionally have sales on certain products that provide opportunities to take advantage of better deals.
This discount structure has been set in order to offer our customers the best deal on product while also allowing us to provide great packaging and ease of inventory movement when processing orders.