Clothes, Shoes & Gear
Children’s shoes, hiking equipment and even theater costumes come together with Hook and Loop fasteners.
- Outdoor Gear
- Textile Manufacturing
Hook and loop clothing fasteners can be fashionable as well as practical. Children are able to put on their own shoes by using VELCRO® Brand straps for shoes; professional and amateur athletes find the adjustable nature of hook and loop fasteners comfortable and reliable, while hikers find their ease of use helpful as well. Sew on hook and loop fasteners are also used in costume design in theatre and dance productions, allowing for quick changes between scenes.
Outdoor Gear
- Backpacks, Tents and Outdoor Clothing
- Secure Equipment, Tent Poles and More
It is difficult to imagine how people who enjoy the great outdoors ever managed prior to the invention of the various hook and loop fasteners. Hook and loop is now used for backpacks, tents, outdoor clothing and is even found as an integral part of shoe and outdoor sports boot fasteners. HookandLoop.com carries a wide range of products for use with outdoor gear, including VELCRO® Brand Peel & Stick products with pressure sensitive adhesives that hold their grip securely under the most extreme conditions. Use hook and loop cable ties to secure fishing and hunting equipment, tent poles and more. For information on customized outdoor hook and loop products for your next excursion or VELCRO® Brand for outdoor use, please contact us and a sales representative will be glad to assist you.
Textile Manufacturing
- Cloth and Costume Fastening Solutions
- Still Strong After 1000's of Uses
Have you ever wondered how actors in a stage production are able to make such quick changes between scenes? It's the miracle of hook and loop. DuraGrip® and VELCRO® Brand hook and loop fasteners for clothing make it easy to slip in and out of a wide variety of outfits. Of course, sew on hook and loop and the various advanced hooks and loops available today are useful for more than just costumes. Many articles of everyday clothing now use hook and loop fasteners. It's one more way this miracle material has made life easier and more convenient. Hook and loop material binds surfaces together securely, yet this bond is easy to take apart when the time comes. Best of all, quality DuraGrip® and VELCRO® Brand fasteners for clothing remain strong, even after thousands of uses.