How to Organize Your Garage with Bike Storage Solutions

You told yourself it would never happen to you, but it did: you have a cluttered garage. Actually, it’s kind of a mess. You barely have room for your vehicle. And forget about finding something in there when you need it — you no longer know where anything is. You wonder how you’ve accumulated so much … stuff.

And as a cyclist, the worst part is that you no longer have a suitable place to put your and your loved one’s bikes. Because of that, the bicycles are parked impractically and haphazardly and getting them in and out is no small feat.

It’s time to do something about it. Here’s how to organize your garage with bike storage solutions that include Velcro sewing hook and loop fasteners, and more.

Using Velcro for Bike Storage

It’s no secret that Velcro has more applications than you may have even considered. Did you know that it can be used for bike storage? Well, it can, and to great effect. 

For instance, you can use Velcro sew on hook and loop fasteners to create custom straps with which to hold  your bike on your rack or to help stabilize it when you hang it. Velcro can hold the wheels or bike frame in place, preventing movement while in storage. You can also use Velcro straps to secure the bicycle to a ceiling mount to prevent movement.

While storage racks and pulley systems can be unwieldy, Velcro Easy Hang straps are inexpensive and easy to install. They’re an effective solution for hanging bikes in your garage.

Some bike companies have even incorporated Velcro straps into their designs. They know that because these straps are adjustable, they can be fitted to different bike sizes.

Other Ways to Improve Bike Storage

Beyond using Velcro, there are other ways to tidy up how you store your bikes. For example, you can:

Install a Bike Shelf

With this DIY project, you can put together an industrial-style rack using pipe fittings that will, when wall mounted, properly showcase your bicycle and keep your riding gear organized.

Purchase a Basic Stand

Rather than toss your bike willy-nilly into the nearest garage corner, why not invest in an inexpensive bike stand. Most have thumbscrews to accommodate various tire widths.

Use a Gravity Bike Stand

A benefit of this solution is that the stand can be easily moved. Some of these stands, which attach to a wall stud with an anchor screw, can even handle two bike frames.

Get Something for All Bike Types

Say you have multiple bikes of varying types. No problem. There are wall racks available that can accommodate disparate types of bike frames.

Hang ‘Em High

Eschewing the old pulley system, you can use an electric lift to hang your bikes up high. Some systems can handle up to eight bikes.

Hang Everything Up

Wall track systems allow you to not just hang multiple bikes of various types on a wall, but with multiple quick-release hooks, you can hang your helmets as well.

Preserve Space

When garage space is at premium, you can install a rack that’s hung close to the floor. To save space, your bicycles can be wheeled into the rack then pivoted toward the wall.

Hang Bikes Vertically 

If the whole family bikes, you may want to invest in a mounting system that allows you to hang multiple bikes vertically. There are kits that come with the necessary hooks and hardware.

Store Multiple Bikes on the Ground

Similar to what you see in public outdoor spaces, there are DIY garage floor setups that can keep your bikes organized, upright, and ready for action.

Go for Simplicity 

If you just want your bike off the floor, you can always just install a heavy-duty bike hook, available at most hardware stores.

In Summary 

Biking is great for fitness and recreation. But you’re more apt to ride your bike if it’s stored safely and is easy to get to. That’s just human nature. Heeding the above solutions, including the use of Velcro, to accommodate your bicycles may be one of the smartest moves you’ll make. A bonus is that the space will generally be more organized and aesthetically pleasing.
