Hook and Loop Resources


  • Hook and loop 101
  • Hook and loop vocabulary and terminology
  • Categories of hook and loop
  • Hook and loop free cutting service
  • 24 Inch VELCRO Brand Wide Loop 3001
  • 54 Inch VELCRO Brand Wide Loop 3001
  • 50 Inch VELCRO Brand Wide Loop 3610
  • DuraGrip Brand Sew On Hook and Loop
  • High Visibility Colored Hook and Loop
  • VELCRO Brand ONE-WRAP Fasteners
  • Custom Cinch Straps Made to Order

We here at HookandLoop.com have a pretty comprehensive array of information and resources that are extremely useful in educating our customers on everything in hook and loop. Everything from the availability of different adhesive backings and their individual benefits, to different kinds of hook and loop made from different materials and for different applications. We have so much information throughout our website that you could spend hours reading about things you never even thought to ask about. There’s quite a rabbit hole to get lost in if that’s your thing. However, we haven’t always made this information easy to access for those customers who just want to get one important answer. Until now.

Our HookandLoop.com Resources Page is here to address any and all questions about Hook and Loop while offering one convenient place to begin your search. We have a video section explaining the basics of Hook and Loop. We have links to informative blog posts. We explain various performance measures. We walk you through our 4D program for product design and consulting. You can even explore our Specialty Products pages where you can find some of the less common hook and loop fastening options and inquire about ordering some for your own application.

We’re excited to expand this section to include a variety of How-To videos and common customer applications. Be sure to keep an eye out as we continue to expand our resources for you!