Hook and Loop 101 Video
Let’s start with vocabulary:
When we talk about hook and loop closure strength, we’re taking about multiple factors.
Peel, which is the hook and the loop being separated at 180 Degrees, more or less if you think about opening a jacket, that’s what we’re taking about when we say peel. It’s the disengagement of each individual row of hooks.
Another function is Shear, when you take the hook and the loop and you’re sliding them across from each other in antagonistic directions.
The last function of closure is Tension, if we had that hook and loop on those same two boards but we were pulling them directly apart from each other-that would be tension.
Basic Considerations when Selecting a VELCRO® Brand Hook and Loop Closure:
- First is, how is it going to be applied? If it’s going to be sewn on, if we’re going to use a pressure sensitive adhesive, if it’s going to be welded. All these factors come into not only what the product is made out of itself, but as well as what backing we apply to it.
- Where is it going to be used? An outside closure is going to have much more environmental requirements than an inside use.
- How strong must the closure be? Once again we talk about Peel, Shear, and Tension. And what the applications and use really requires. You don’t want to put a low cycle, high strength closure on something like a jacket pocket.
- How long will it be used? Is this a product that is intended to be opened and closed multiple times? Or is this something that is only going to be used once or twice?
By combining all of these considerations, with a common nomenclature, allows VELCRO® Brand to best serve you in providing hook and loop closures.