Tagged with 'hook and loop uses'

A place to learn about Everything in Hook and Loop!™

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    Get Organized with Hook and Loop

    There are an almost infinite number of ways hook and loop products can help organize your home or office environment. To provide you with some inspiration, we have detailed some of our favorite hook and loop home organization ideas:

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    The Difference between Nylon, Polyester and Polypropylene Hook and Loop

    Hook and loop fasteners, commonly known by the Velcro® brand name, come in a variety of strengths and materials to handle everything from home and garden tasks to heavy-duty and industrial-strength jobs. Hook and loop fasteners and straps, as well as specialty versions of hook and loop can be purchased in polyester, polypropylene and nylon materials for use in automotive, medicine, military and many other industries. While each type of hook and loop fiber offers its own benefits, the type of task it will be performing is the best way to make a selection.

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    Hook and Loop in Pregnancy

    Over the course of nine months, there are many ways hook and loop closures become convenient, and even vital, for expecting parents. And once the baby has arrived, there are several products with hook and loop fasteners that can make life’s daily tasks faster and easier than ever before for new mothers.

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    Hook and Loop for Pets

    As most owners can attest, pets are known for being unpredictable. With their inability to verbalize their thoughts and feelings, it can sometimes be more difficult to take care of a pet than a baby or small child. When it comes to managing some of this chaos, hook and loop fasteners can be a lifesaver.

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