Tagged with 'hook and loop solutions'

A place to learn about Everything in Hook and Loop!™

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    Staying in the Loop: Sandboarding in Peru and Sleeping in Space

    Hook and loop is used in so many applications, it’s difficult to know where to start. After all, it’s not just shoes and wallets that use these practical fasteners. We’re highlighting some interesting applications that we come across, including new business ventures, technology, and DIY stuff, among others.

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    Staying in the Loop: Fallout 4's Pip-Boy and an Epic Stormtrooper Costume

    Hook and loop is used in so many applications, it’s difficult to know where to start. After all, it’s not just shoes and wallets that use these practical fasteners. We’re highlighting some interesting applications that we come across, including new business ventures, technology, and DIY stuff, among others.

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    The Difference between Nylon, Polyester and Polypropylene Hook and Loop

    Hook and loop fasteners, commonly known by the Velcro® brand name, come in a variety of strengths and materials to handle everything from home and garden tasks to heavy-duty and industrial-strength jobs. Hook and loop fasteners and straps, as well as specialty versions of hook and loop can be purchased in polyester, polypropylene and nylon materials for use in automotive, medicine, military and many other industries. While each type of hook and loop fiber offers its own benefits, the type of task it will be performing is the best way to make a selection.

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    Business to Business Hook & Loop Solutions

    For every business transaction involving a retail customer or other end user, many more business-to-business, or B2B, sales occur behind the scenes along the supply chain. This includes everything from raw material suppliers to component makers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and other typical players involved in bringing goods to market. In the case of hook and loop fasteners, B2B transactions are such a large segment of sales because the range of applications is so wide.

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