Tagged with 'business logo imprinting'

A place to learn about Everything in Hook and Loop!™

  1. Printed-tips-samples-reduced-size.jpg

    Logo Imprinting

    We offer lots of customization and converting services at HookandLoop.com, including logo imprinting onto the straps we manufacture. We make straps from the hook and loop material we sell. There are 4 strap styles we offer, all of which can be customized by size, length, color and material as well as further customizing based on drawing specs or additional pieces added to it.

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  2. Printed-tips-samples-reduced-size.jpg

    Logo Imprinting

    Logo imprinting uses a process known as pad printing to transfer an image or text to a rounded, flat, or rough surface. It is used in electronics, apparel, medical supplies, automotive accessories, toys and sports equipment.

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