Tagged with 'Wide Loop'

A place to learn about Everything in Hook and Loop!™

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    Difference Between Regal and Premier Display Loop

    There are lots of wide loop options available at HookandLoop.com. We carry VELCRO® Brand Woven Loop 3001 and Knit Loop 3610 which have similar uses but are limited in color options. Another wide loop we carry is our DuraGrip Brand Display Loop. This is a thicker loop material available in two styles and in several colors.

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    Wide Loop Uses

    We offer several sizes, colors and styles of wide loop products. Wide loop is the loop side of hook and loop fasteners, manufactured in wide sheets for a variety of uses. We’ll cover some common uses here, but first let’s look at the different wide loop options we offer.

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    Best Ways to Hang Up Wide Loop

    Wide loop products, like this VELCRO® Brand wide loop, are fantastic for display panels, pedal boards, shadow boxes, and tons of other useful applications. But what do you do with it once you receive it? Well just as there are several options of wide loop, there are several ways of hanging fabrics like your wide loop.

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    Wide Loop Products

    Wide loop products are the soft fuzzy side of hook and loop fasteners that are woven in large sheets. Wide loop is most often used in tradeshows on display panels and on pedal boards and shadow boxes and a variety of other similar applications. We carry a variety of styles and widths in multiple brands.

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