Social Distancing with Hook and Loop
Hook and loop can be a huge help when it comes to signage and blocking off seats. We offer a social distancing strap that businesses and organizations like theatres, arenas, churches, stadiums and even offices or other large workspaces can utilize to block off individual seats or sections of seats for social distancing.
Hook and loop can also be used to easily hang signage with reminders to wash your hands, note a business' mask guidelines, or mark off areas to limit access or reduce use. The peel and stick fasteners are great for this. They can be attached to a wide variety of substrates and stick well to laminated signs, vinyl signs, plastic, and more.
We also maintain a COVID-19 page where we suggest tips and products that can be useful during the pandemic. We even keep a COVID tracker up to date with the latest news from the CDC.
Our priority is keeping everyone well informed so you can make the best decisions for yourself, your friends and family, and your business or organization. If you have any questions regarding our products or services, we're always available Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm EST and can be reached by phone at (800) 940-6934 or email at