Hook and Loop Information

A place to learn about Everything in Hook and Loop!™

  1. rolls-duragrip_one_inch_burgundy_hook.jpg

    Discover the Advantages of DuraGrip® Fasteners

    Much like Kleenex® is synonymous with facial tissue, VELCRO® is synonymous with hook and loop fasteners. When it comes to hook and loop fasteners, alternatives to the VELCRO® Brand do exist. Not all brands are the same and it pays to understand the advantages and differences offered by other manufacturers. At HookandLoop.com, we are proud to offer our own DuraGrip® Brand of hook and loop in addition to being a distributor of VELCRO® Brand products. In this post, we highlight the unique benefits of DuraGrip® Brand hook and loop so you can determine if this brand is right for you.

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  2. Cleaning-Hook-And-Loop.jpg

    Cleaning Hook and Loop

    Hook and loop fasteners are one of the most versatile methods of joining objects. The hook side of the fastener has a strong affinity for the fuzzy loop side. Unfortunately, that affinity also attracts a range of items. Over time, the hooks can collect lint, string, hair and other unsightly debris. Dirty hook and loop can make an otherwise clean item look old and tired. Additionally, all the fuzz that collects on the hooks can reduce the bond strength of the fastener. Cosmetic issues aside, it is worth paying attention to the cleanliness of the hook and loop on sports equipment or other items that rely on securing fastening to perform properly. Continue reading this post to learn how to clean hook and loop.

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  3. embroidery-one.jpg

    Stand Out With Custom Embroidery

    embroidery-nameAs a customer service oriented company, we strive to offer the best choices for our Hook and Loop customers. Many companies depend on Hook and Loop straps to be powerful, strong, and adaptable for many unique projects. That’s why we are proud to offer customizable embroidery to our services, so our patrons will be able to add some personality to their products. We are currently setting up our brand new machines and will be ready to customize your project with embroidery within a very short time.

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  4. roll-black-detail.jpg

    The Difference between Nylon, Polyester and Polypropylene Hook and Loop

    Hook and loop fasteners, commonly known by the Velcro® brand name, come in a variety of strengths and materials to handle everything from home and garden tasks to heavy-duty and industrial-strength jobs. Hook and loop fasteners and straps, as well as specialty versions of hook and loop can be purchased in polyester, polypropylene and nylon materials for use in automotive, medicine, military and many other industries. While each type of hook and loop fiber offers its own benefits, the type of task it will be performing is the best way to make a selection.

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    Rubber vs. Acrylic Based Adhesives

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    Logo Imprinting

    Logo imprinting uses a process known as pad printing to transfer an image or text to a rounded, flat, or rough surface. It is used in electronics, apparel, medical supplies, automotive accessories, toys and sports equipment.

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  7. straps-cinch-as-shipped-and-closed1.jpg

    The Strongest Hook and Loop Strap

    Hook and loop straps provide a convenient way to secure items such as cable, wire, electrical cords, fishing gear and luggage. There are many kinds of straps for any number of purposes, but the most common are cinch straps, back straps, face straps and two-way face straps.

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  8. The Best Hook and Loop Combination

    The Best Hook and Loop Combination

    The hook-and-loop fastening system offers a wide variety of uses for a broad range of industries, including the military, medical and transportation industries. Available in many styles and strengths, there is a hook-and-loop fastener for nearly every task imaginable.

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  9. industrial-welding-process.jpg

    Applications of Ultrasonic Welding

    In light of our previous post regarding How to Make a Hook and Loop Strap, you may be wondering about ultrasonic welding and how it works. Ultrasonic welding is a manufacturing technique used to secure two materials together, like hook and loop. The first patent for welding metal objects using this process was awarded in 1960. Five years later, engineers discovered that sound waves could weld non-metal materials as well.

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  10. straps-tips-styles-inch-and-a-half-and-two-inch-e1611258328855.jpg

    How to Make a Hook and Loop Strap (Part 2)

    Previously, we covered the four main variations of hook and loop straps and the first three steps of how we cut the material to length. In the following hook and loop strap making steps, we'll go over the four types of strap tips, their advantages, and how we bond these materials together. We'll also examine the Logo Imprinting process, the options available for cinch strap rings, and when to use a grommet for your custom strap.

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