DIY Summer Games with Hook and Loop

Summer is the perfect time to get outside and have some fun with the family. By using hook and loop, you can create summer games that will amuse and entertain your kids for hours and save you some money.

Here is a great blog post with a ton of good ideas for some DIY summertime family fun. That post has suggestions ranging from obstacle course parties and sponge water bomb fights to open air art boards and music fences. There are also some suggestions that require hook and loop fasteners.

Remember playing the old catch and toss games with the brightly colored paddles from the ‘90’s? Well here’s a handy video showing you how to make your own with Velcro® brand fasteners. It’s actually pretty easy!

You can also convert a chess or checker board into a travel version with some hook and loop, giving the kids something to do on long car trips. Plus, you don’t have to worry about losing pieces.

Another fun option for hook and loop games is to build your own child friendly dartboard. This bullseye game lets your children have all the fun a game of darts provides without any of the worry of actually, you know, letting your kids play with darts. It’s easy to carry as well, so you can set it up in their room or bring it outside in the summer for a little fun in the sun.

The best part about these DIY projects is that on rainy summer days you can have the kids help you make these games and it becomes an activity in itself. There are so many fun possibilities for DIY summer games, you’ll wonder where the time went come fall so enjoy the summer while you can!